Here at Drawn2Imagine, we often discuss the vast benefits that exposure to the arts has on our youth. While your children look forward to having a blast molding clay, painting with their fingers, drawing with colored pencils, etc., there are countless benefits they are receiving while doing so–most of which are unbeknownst to them. As […]
Giving Thanks to our Customers

You’ve heard us say it before: At Drawn2Imagine, we believe we have the best jobs in the world. But our jobs wouldn’t be nearly as amazing if it weren’t for our exceptional customers. You guys make our day–every day. Because our youth art program in Reno wouldn’t be possible (and wouldn’t be growing) without your […]
Doing our Part to Boost Reno Art Culture

When we have conversations about our Reno art academy with people from out of state, they typically respond with something like, “oh, is Reno close to Las Vegas, Nevahdah?” When you tell them how far away Las Vegas is they immediately think we live in the boonies. Sure, Nevada has the highest percentage of publicly […]
Kindergarten Kiddos Day Camp in Reno

It is never too soon to get started in the wonderful world of art. We have seen children of kindergarten age create some truly amazing works of art. In fact, it has been our pleasure to help them gain the skills to become exceptional young artists. Our kindergarten kiddos day camp in Reno is designed […]
Great Books for Great Parents: Recommendations from Your Favorite Reno Art Program

At Drawn2Imagine, we are often asked about books we could recommend for inspiring creativity in children. As part of our Reno art program, we have decided to offer some thoughts on books we have read that really have a lot to offer. This month we are recommending Magic Trees of the Mind: How to Nurture […]
Special Kids Art Classes in Reno That Are Just for Homeschoolers

Art opens so many doors for so many of our children. We have seen great changes in youngsters of many different ages, backgrounds and skill sets. Also, our kids art classes in Reno are not only for those who attend nearby Roy Gomm Elementary School. Instead, we open them up to every child across the […]
Reno Art at Home: Simple Fall Art Projects

At Drawn2Imagine, we provide Reno art classes that are fun and educational for kids. While we have a great time here in the classroom, the fun doesn’t have to end when you pick up your child. You can surely participate in art projects at home with your child. To get you started we thought we […]
Drawn2Imagine to Take an Active Part in 2013 Wahoe County Obesity Forum

At Drawn2Imagine, we love the part our Reno art classes play in our community. Bringing art to children is a daily joy. We get to see firsthand how it can change their lives. However, the art our children create has the potential to inspire change far beyond our classroom. To help elevate our potential for […]
Dropping the Arts Drops Test Scores

Over the past decade and a half, the focus of education has shifted (and not TOWARD the arts). Concerned with failing math and science scores, policymakers have brought education in these fields as the strongest points of interest. Funding was released from the federal government to schools that met certain stipulations regarding their programs. These […]
Warmed Up for Success: Before School Program In Reno

In our last post we talked about our after school program. It is a program in which we pick your child up from school and treat them to engaging art classes. This program is very popular and the perfect compliment to it is our before school program in Reno. If your child goes to Roy […]