Art Programs in Reno- General Information, General, Reno Art Classes, The Positive Impact of Art on Kids

7 Benefits of Art for Children: Part 1

kindergarten kiddos day camp in RenoStandardized testing has its benefits, but it also has definite drawbacks. From our viewpoint, no drawback is more evident than the time it takes away from art. Somehow, art has become a luxury in the psyche of many policymakers. However, we know that it isn’t frivolous or unnecessary. Fortunately, there are many who agree with us. The effects of art being lost in schools are starting to be noticed. Maybe this will create a change, but our Reno youth art program want to help it along as much as possible. We’ve found seven undeniable benefits that art brings to children. Let’s take a look at them across this 2-part post.

Fine Motor Skills

It takes a large amount of coordination to create a masterpiece. This comes from years of practice. Children have the ability to start learning early. Working with a paintbrush creates neuroconnections that actually help your child develop faster. Safety scissors are also very good for developing the necessary motor skills for writing (it’s true!).


There are many terms that can be learned by participating in art. Even talking about art can facilitate this development. The more words your child becomes familiar with, the better they are able to express themselves. By presenting this opportunity, our Reno youth art program will help them score well on standardized tests.

Problem Solving

What is the key to problem solving? Creativity is a must for advancing this fine skill. When a child can visualize a problem, they are far more effective at coming up with solutions. Much of art is about taking an idea and turning it into a reality. Our Reno youth art program builds visualization capabilities and effectively gives your child a problem to solve: how to take a project from concept to concrete.

Now you didn’t think we were going to make it all the way through of our list today did you? We want to make sure that we give each point its proper focus. Tune in next post, when we will complete this list and continue to shine light on all the benefits your child could be getting from a Reno youth art program.


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